We are aware that only continuous investment in technology and know-how will ensure our competitiveness into the future. With this in mind, we are constantly modernizing our production line with new printing machines and new tools.

With our state of the art technology we offer customised solutions and efficient service from development to production. In our modern workshop and in our technology department we are using the latest version of ESKO ArtiosCAD software.

EGP d.d. logo

Embalažno grafično podjetje d.o.o.

Kidričeva cesta 82

SI-4220 Škofja Loka

  • + 386(0) 4 511 19 10
  • + 386(0) 4 511 19 27
Pharmaceutical packaging

Pharmaceutical packaging

Dis dolor adipis cing! Sociis in integer tin cidunt, elem entum ti dunt magna a ridic ulus vel porta, integer cursus ult ricies.
Personal care / cosmetics

Personal care / cosmetics

Dis dolor adipis cing! Sociis in integer tin cidunt, elem entum ti dunt magna a ridic ulus vel porta, integer cursus ult ricies.
Food<br />packaging


Dis dolor adipis cing! Sociis in integer tin cidunt, elem entum ti dunt magna a ridic ulus vel porta, integer cursus ult ricies.