
EGP acquires Neograf

30. 3. 2021

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Attending Pharmapack 2020

06. 1. 2020

We are informing you that we will be attending, as an exhibitor, the international business fair Pharmapack, held from February 5th to 6th, 2020, in Paris, France.

We look forward to your visit at our booth no. J32

You are cordially invited!

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From 30th December 2019 to 2nd January 2020 we are closed and will be back in the office on 3rd of J

18. 12. 2019

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InnoPack 2019

12. 11. 2019

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Attending CPhl InnoPack 2019

16. 9. 2019

We are informing you that we will be attending, as an exhibitor, the international business fair CPhI-InnoPack, held from November 5th to 7th, 2019 in Germany, Frankfurt.

We look forward to your visit at our booth no.111A70.

You are cordially invited!

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Embalažno grafično podjetje d.o.o.

Kidričeva cesta 82

SI-4220 Škofja Loka

  • + 386(0) 4 511 19 10
  • + 386(0) 4 511 19 27
Pharmaceutical packaging

Pharmaceutical packaging

Dis dolor adipis cing! Sociis in integer tin cidunt, elem entum ti dunt magna a ridic ulus vel porta, integer cursus ult ricies.
Personal care / cosmetics

Personal care / cosmetics

Dis dolor adipis cing! Sociis in integer tin cidunt, elem entum ti dunt magna a ridic ulus vel porta, integer cursus ult ricies.
Food<br />packaging


Dis dolor adipis cing! Sociis in integer tin cidunt, elem entum ti dunt magna a ridic ulus vel porta, integer cursus ult ricies.